Why rent?

​If you’ve always dreamt of owning your own home, now is a great time to take a closer look as you could find that the cost of investing in your own home is more affordable than you think.

Owning your own home offers you numerous benefits over staying in the rental market where rental increases are unknown and unwelcome and moving is necessary on the whim of the landlord.

Choosing to build a new home gives you the ability to invest in a growth asset, that will give you financial security, as the value of your home increases over time.

Why Rent? - Couple

Finding your ideal home

Why pay someone else’s mortgage when you could be paying your own? We will help you find the ideal home to suit your budget and with regular payments to your financial institution you will be well on your way to home ownership. One of the biggest benefits to owning your own home over renting is the stability. The home is yours and you know exactly what you’re going to be paying for it and for how long.

Building a new home is your blank canvas that you, your family and your pets can really make their own. No more requesting permission to hang a print on the wall, have a pet or waiting for repairs to be attended by the landlord. It’s your home, your privacy and you’re in control.

With house and land packages from as little as $282 per week, it is time to talk to a Simply Living New Home Consultant today and find out how you can be in your new home sooner.

Contact us

Looking to own rather than rent? We're here to help. Contact us today.

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